Skip Clinic- Beginner 4/3

Skip Clinic- Beginner 4/3
This 1-hour classroom session is the first level (out of three) for new curlers and people interested in learning about the skipp role. We will cover the roles for the team members, basic etiquette, basic rules, basic strategies, and how to call shots - all from the perspective as team captain!


  What: Skipping Clinic level 1 - Beginner. This is the pre-requisite for level 2 - Intermediate. Class is taught by Jeremy Katz, 8 year curler with skipping experience at collegiate curling events, vice-skip for the current KC BBQ Bonspiel champion team.

  Who:   New curlers, or curlers that have not skipped a team.  Curlers with a minimum of 2+ years curling and skipping experience may move directly to the intermediate level class.

  When:   April 3rd at 11:00a - 12:00p (Followed by Intermediate level class at 1pm)

  Where:  Kansas City Curling Club 2525 A Northwest South Outer Rd (lower level) Blue Springs

  Individual Cost:   $10 members $25 for non-members   



Event Properties

Event Date 4/3/22 11:00 am
Event End Date 4/3/22 12:00 pm
Cut off date 4/3/22 3:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 4
Available spots 26
Individual Price $10/$25
Location Kansas City Curling Club

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

League/Season Registration

In order to register for a league or season, you need to signup or login to our website and have a paid membership. This helps us keep track of your interests, allows you to track your team information,  join our spare list, and contact others within the club.  If you experience any trouble registering, please contact [email protected] for help.